HMSBAR 335: Pipelay/Accommodation/Workbarge
- Available: 7 May, 2017
- Published On: 7 May, 2017
- Vessel Type: Barge - Pipelay, Barge -Accommodation, Barge-4pt mooring, Barges - Crane & Sheerleg, Barges (All)
- Region: Middle east
- Location: United Arab Emirates
- 73.15m x 21.34m x 4.57m
- 177 Person accommodation
- 150Mt pedestal crane
- 8 point mooring
- Helideck 62ft x 60 ft, Suitable for BELL 212
- Total Power 1400 KVA
- SPS code complied under ABS Class
- Excellent history & clients
- Hook-up and commissioning
- Subsea Pipeline and Construction Support
- Deep diving support
- Post trenching
- Shallow water & deep water applications
Vessel Specs
Dimensions (LOA x B x D): | 73.15 x 21.34 x 3.00 |
Propulsion: | Non propelled |
Additional Specs for this Vessel Type
Deck Strength (t/ m2): | 12 |
Deckspace (m2): | 450 |
Mooring System: | 8 Point Mooring System (Mechanical x 8 nos,Make: SKAGIT and Intercom DD-200) |
Crane: | 150 MT American Revolver 358 S/N 1038 |
Accommodation: | 199 |