Harmony Marine Shipbrokers are specialist suppliers of Floating Docks, and have a variety of Floating Docks for sale..
A floating dry dock is a type of pontoon for dry docking ships, possessing floodablebuoyancy chambers and a "U"-shaped cross-section. The walls are used to give the dry dock stability when the floor or deck is below the surface of the water. When valves are opened, the chambers fill with water, causing the dry dock to float lower in the water. The deck becomes submerged and this allows a ship to be moved into position inside. When the water is pumped out of the chambers, the dry dock rises and the ship is lifted out of the water on the rising deck, allowing work to proceed on the ship's hull.
Shipyards operate floating dry docks as one method for hauling or docking vessels. Floating drydocks are important in locations where porous ground prevents the use of conventional drydocks, such as at the Royal Naval Dockyard on the limestone archipelago of Bermuda. Another advantage of floating dry docks is that they can be moved to wherever they are needed and can also be sold second-hand.
Some floating docks are used for the construction of concrete caissons, buoyant block like units used for making breakwaters & quaysides. The concrete is poured into molds, left to set, then the dock submerges & the new concrete section is floated out.